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Picture of Kasey Wilkinson
Kasey Wilkinson

Brighton SEO September 2021 Roundup

Brighton's palace pier

My name is Kasey Wilkinson. I am the newest member of the Mr. SEO team. I am coming up to my first month since starting and I already have learnt so much.

Author Bio:

My name is Kasey Wilkinson. I am the newest member of the Mr. SEO team. I am coming up to my first month since starting and I already have learnt so much. Alongside working, I am completing a level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship. Attending Brighton SEO was a great opportunity for me to develop my knowledge and for a chance to listen to inspirational talks from experts in the field. I come away feeling very inspired and excited about my future within SEO.

Growing as an agency (Steve Butcher) (Aaron Rudman-Hawkins) 

Steve and Aaron spoke about the survival guide for freelance and how to build a successful marketing agency. I found this talk very motivational, as there are many lessons you learn throughout your journey building an agency that I had no idea about. You will fail many times, but you must be prepared to be knocked down to then start over. This in time will make you a stronger person and make you even stronger for when you face problems in the future. To be resilient, have self-confidence and to be resourceful is key in this industry and the more successful you become the more ambitious you will be, leading to great things. In order to engage and grow talent within teams its all about the people and the DNA of those individuals. This involves their talent, culture, values and communication you want those elements to match up with the business to make sure everyone is on the same level and therefore will collaborate more effectively.

Keyword research- user intent (Dateme Tubotamuno)

User intent tells us what it is our customers want. When we focus on the keywords, we should target more on how to serve our website users/customers, that’s when we’ll succeed. Search queries can be segmented into different categories, split into how specific the searcher is. Transactional Queries, these searchers are looking to achieve a specific action, such as purchasing a specific product or booking a service. Informational Queries: this is where the user is wanting to learn about a particular subject. Also, navigational Queries which is where a user is looking to go to a specific website or location. It is so important to not just focus on optimizing for keywords that drive converting traffic but also those that can provide user value and help potential customers find exactly what they are looking for. Without this, you could be missing out on huge organic traffic.

Local SEO proof that Google my business drives engagement (David Whatley)

Google my business is proven to drive engagement and sales. There is a new feature within this called ‘google posts’ where you can post upcoming events, important information about your business, or your recent blog posts. This gives searchers more information about your business and builds a sense of trust that your website is being actively managed and up to date. Here you can post campaigns involving product offers, which is shown to people looking to buy that specific product. Consistency is very effective with this kind of campaign so that you can ensure its being seen by everyone. David showed us a case study his company carried out, and it was clear to see that the GMB posts increased engagement within that promotion and saw an increase in offline sales too from local searches!

Overall, Brighton SEO was the first SEO event I have attended since I began my career in SEO. I found it incredibly informative, and I am looking forward to implementing the skills in my work and to take the advice on board.

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